Community Fitness Center

The Palmyra-Eagle Area School District Fitness Center, located in the Palmyra-Eagle Middle/High School, is open to students, residents, and employees in the Palmyra/Eagle area. The Fitness Center is operated by the Palmyra-Eagle Area School District.

Community Member Use:
Monday - Friday: 5:30 am - 7:00 am
Monday-Friday: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

PEASD Students Gr. 6-12 can use Fitness Center during community use times listed above if accompanied by a parent or adult family member PEASD Student Use (grades 6-12 only):

Monday: 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm
Tuesday: 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday: 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm
Thursday: 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm
Friday: 3:15 - 5:30 pm

PEASD Students Gr. 6-12 may use Fitness Center during supervised hours with or without a parent or adult family member

Fitness Center Hours of Operation in Summer

Community Members, You spoke we heard!
For summer hours only we have adjusted hours of access to the Fitness Center!

5:30-7 AM and Noon-9 PM Monday - Friday
8 AM-8 PM Saturday and Sunday

Please understand current students get priority for all equipment if they are using the facilities. Please respect others while using facilities.

PEASD Students Gr. 6-12 can use Fitness Center during community use times listed above if accompanied by a parent or adult family member PEASD Student Use (grades 6-12 only):

Monday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

PEASD Students Gr. 6-12 may use Fitness Center during supervised hours with or without a parent or adult family member
**The Fitness Center will be closed on holidays and when inclement weather/emergency school closings are declared by the PEASD. District employees may use the fitness center during any of the open hours listed above.

All participants must attend an orientation before participating at the Fitness Center. Orientations will be offered at the discretion of the Fitness Center Coordinator. During the orientation, members will learn how to safely and properly use equipment, review rules and procedures, and have an opportunity to ask questions.

All users of the Fitness Center must sign the Recreation Agreement form and Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement form prior to using the facility.

Adult members will receive a key fob. Key fob replacement fee is $15.00
Fees: PEASD Students (grades 6-12): FREE
Resident Non-PEASD Students* (grades 6-12): $30.00 annual equipment maintenance fee
Resident College Students: $30.00 annual equipment maintenance fee
Resident Adults: $50.00 annual equipment maintenance fee
Resident Seniors 60 & older: $25.00 annual equipment maintenance fee
District Employees: FREE

Procedures and Guidelines:

ALL non-student Fitness Center members over the age of 18 MUST have a key fob in order to use the Fitness Center during community use hours. Members may not allow other users into the Fitness Center if they are not registered members and/or do not have a key fob. Failure to follow this rule may result in loss of membership.

The Fitness Center is a place for all. Members with mobility or accessibility concerns are asked to contact the Fitness Center Coordinator, Quentin Cauffman, to assist you in accommodating your needs.

Elementary age and younger children are NOT allowed in the Fitness Center. Children may not be left unattended in the hallways, gymnasium, or vestibule areas. For the safety of all children, please make prior childcare arrangements off-site.

Dress Code
Members are expected to dress appropriately for their workout in the community fitness center. All users are asked to wear:

1. Appropriate shirts that cover the full chest and back.
2. Shorts, athletic pants, or sweat pants. For the safety of the individual using equipment, no cut-offs or jeans are allowed.
3. Athletic shoes must be worn at all times. No open-toed shoes, boots, or cleats are allowed.

In the event of an emergency with the Fitness Center, notify an onsite supervisor immediately (262-949-3370) or call 911.

Cardio Equipment :

  • 2 Elipticals

  • 2 treadmills

  • 2 stationary bikes

  • 1-10 lb weight accessories

Weight Room Equipment :

  • Leg Press

  • Leg extension/curl machine

  • Low row and Lat pull-down

  • Trainer machine

  • Racks with benches (can be used with bumper plates) 

  • 10 -45lbs and steel plates 2.5 - 4lbs. 

  • Array of dumbbells 5 to 100lbs along with the preacher curl and other accessories. 

  • Plyo boxes, ladders, and parachutes to use for agility workouts.

Food and Beverages
No food or drink, other than water, is allowed in the Fitness Center. A water fountain with a bottle refill station is located near the restrooms across from the lunch room.

Inclement Weather/Emergency Closings
It may be necessary to close the Fitness Center during inclement weather or an unexpected event. The PEASD reserves the right to make this decision based on the general safety and welfare of its students and employees.

Medical Clearance
Consultation with a physician is extremely important prior to engaging in physical activity. Although medical clearance is not required for use of the facility, adherence to this recommendation is strongly encouraged by PEASD. All users of the Fitness Center must sign a Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement prior to using the facility.

Music/Television/Cell Phones
For the enjoyment of all users in the fitness center, the TVs should be muted at all times and music played aloud should be family-friendly. Music and videos played in the multipurpose room should be kept at a low volume. Members are encouraged to utilize their own listening devices which do not interfere with other members. The use of cell phones for listening to personal music is allowed; however, personal calls should be taken outside of the Fitness Center.

Personal Items
There are cubbies available for members to use during their workout. Members are encouraged to bring a small hand towel for personal use. The PEASD is not responsible for lost, damaged, and/or stolen personal items.

There are restrooms down the hallway, across from the cafeteria. Locker rooms and showers are not available for Fitness Center members. Members need to use their key fob to re-enter the fitness center.

The safety of the members using the exercise equipment is a priority. If you are unsure of how to use the equipment, review the signs located with the equipment. All Fitness Center users MUST have a signed recreation agreement AND liability agreement on file with the Fitness Center coordinator.

There is a camera located in the facility and hallways. Please do not enter any rooms other than the restroom or fitness center. PEASD reserves the right to add or amend Fitness Center rules and procedures at any time.

All users must abide by the rules and procedures of the Fitness Center. A user may be suspended from the Fitness Center in the event of a violation of the Fitness Center rules, procedures or District policies. Violations include, but are not limited to: intentional damage or misuse of property; fighting; use of inappropriate
language; use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or other illegal substances on the property, and theft or illegal acts. Access will be denied to users under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances.

General Etiquette
All members and users should be able to enjoy their workouts while helping to maintain a clean, safe Fitness Center. There will be zero tolerance for “horseplay” or misuse of the equipment; such behavior will be considered a violation and will be dealt with accordingly.

Fitness Center

  • Be respectful of the facility, equipment, and others.

  • Family-friendly language only; no profanity or offensive language.

  • Disinfect all equipment after each use with the disinfectant wipes provided near the equipment.

  • If doing multiple sets on a piece of equipment, please allow others to work in with you or trade sets.

  • Limit time on the equipment to 30 minutes when busy.

  • Spotters are required when lifting.

  • Plate collars need to be used on all bars at all times

  • Re-rack all weights and dumbbells after use.

  • Do not drop or slam weights.

  • Do not lean plates or bars against weight equipment, walls, or mirrors.

  • No standing on benches.

  • Do not place bars or dumbbells on bench padding.

Interested in joining? The following three forms need to be completed and sent, along with the proper payment, to Kevin Wilde at Email Kevin Wilde. You can also drop them off at the PEHS/MS main office during our regular business hours.

  1. Fitness Center Guideline Agreement Form

  2. Background Check Form

  3. Liability Form