MS Social Studies Teacher / MS Volleyball Coach/ MS Student Council Advisor
Student Council

Tammy Anderson

Vicky Boos
Special Education Aide /MS Student Council Advisor

Shelby Nickels
HS Special Education Teacher/ HS Student Council Advisor
Middle School Student Council 2023-24 Calendar
1.Week of September 11th-announce guidelines for student council.
**turn in student council paragraphs by September 22nd, at least 3 typed paragraphs.
2. Friday, September 29th, student council meeting during lunch.
**talk about homecoming activities.
3. Organize something to welcome everyone to the new school year
1. Meeting Thursday, October 5th during lunch to finalize homecoming activities and discuss the pumpkin decorating.
2. Week of October 9th- homecoming spirit week.
3. Week of October 16th- homerooms will be decorating pumpkins to benefit the Christmas gifts for the community
4. October 10th- bake sale at the middle school volleyball game to benefit Christmas gifts for the community
1. Meeting Friday, November 3rd during lunch
2. Week of November 13th will be the food drive
3. Week of November 13th- some kind of activity to show thankfulness
1. December 5th- meeting during lunch
2. Bake sale December 5th
3. Week of December 11th- decorate Christmas trees in homerooms
4. Week of December 18th- spirit days for the holidays
1. Meeting-Friday, January 5th during lunch
2. Spirit day-January 19th for the end of the semester
3. Week of January 22nd - winter activities
1. Meeting -Friday, Feb. 2nd during lunch-start talking about the dance
2.Feb.14th-Valentine’s Day spirit activity
3.some kind of drive the week of February 19th- (maybe something for a homeless shelter
1.Meeting- March 8th during lunch
2. Spring project for a fundraiser
3. Spirit week-week of March 18th
1. Meeting April 5th during lunch to finalize the dance
2. Sance, Friday, April 26th, 6:00-9:00
1.meeting, Friday, May 3rd during lunch
2.week of May 6th-teacher appreciation activity
3.some kind of end of the year activity