District Report Card

November 19, 2024 

Dear Palmyra-Eagle Area School District Families, 

We have had a strong start to the 2024-2025 school year, and we are excited about the opportunities ahead for our students to learn, grow, and thrive.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has released the 2023-2024 District and School Report Cards. These reports provide valuable insights into our progress as a district and help identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Sharing this information is key to ensuring transparency and accountability in our mission to prepare every student for success. 

For the 2023-2024 school year, the Palmyra-Eagle Area School District earned an overall score of 67.6, maintaining our "Meets Expectations" rating. 

District Highlights Include:

  • Student Growth: Our district demonstrated significant year-over-year progress in English Language Arts and Mathematics, with a growth score of 71.7, ranking above the state average.

  • Graduation Rates: We achieved an impressive 95.9% graduation rate, reflecting our commitment to preparing students for life after high school.

  • Postsecondary Opportunities: Over 50% of our high school students participated in at least one postsecondary preparation activity, such as dual enrollment or earning industry-recognized credentials.

  • Attendance and Engagement: Chronic absenteeism rates across the district have improved significantly, reflecting a focused effort to increase student engagement and connection. 

While we celebrate these accomplishments, we remain dedicated to addressing areas for growth, including narrowing achievement gaps and refining instructional practices. With implementing our new literacy model, AVID strategies, and a collaborative culture among staff, we are confident that we can continue building on this progress. 

The full report cards for the district can be accessed online: Report Cards

Thank you for your continued partnership in making PEASD a place where students excel academically and feel a true sense of belonging. Together, we will reach new heights. 

Dr. Ryan Krohn

District Administrator - Palmyra-Eagle Area School District 

Eagle Elementary School (262) 594-2148

Palmyra-Eagle High School/Middle School  (262) 495-7101

Palmyra-Eagle Montessori School (262) 594-4330