Visitor and Volunteer Information


All schools in the Palmyra-Eagle Area District use the Raptor Visitor Management System which enables us to facilitate the effective and efficient management of visitors in our buildings and determine a visitor’s registry status with the National Sex Offender Database.

Upon arrival at the school, all visitors must report to the main office. Office personnel will facilitate the process for visitor registration. Visitors will be required to provide a valid government-issued ID that will be scanned into the Raptor Visitor Management System.

Each visitor will be issued a badge with a photo, indicating the time and purpose of the visit. The badge is to be worn while at the school and returned to the office upon departure.


The Palmyra-Eagle Area School District Board of Education recognizes that volunteers in the school are a valuable resource.  The appropriate and effective utilization of volunteers assists the District in developing active partnerships with parents and the community.  Specifically, volunteering will be used to broaden parental and community understanding of District needs and goals while promoting positive school-community relations.  It is the intent of the Board to foster, support and encourage volunteer activities which support District programs. 

The district wishes to encourage parental and community involvement in classrooms that would not jeopardize the safety of its students or staff members.  Applicants who are denied based upon the results of the criminal background check will not be permitted to have the responsibility for other people’s children.  The intent of this policy is not to be punitive to adults who may wish to volunteer.  Rather, the primary and overall objective is to ensure the safety of students and staff members.